Sometimes I read vendor views on a market and just groan. Over at El Reg I read just such an opinion from a Sun employee on
Java's future and he is advocating that Java SE 7 should leap down the same road of bloat and anti-enterprise thought that caused
Java SE 6 to be an enterprise class dud and not think about
upgrades. Chet Haas seems to think that this was a good road to go down and we should lob more into the core including
"I said I would also like to see further improvements in the platform libraries, to offer increased functionality and easier programming paradigms." which sounds idyllic but of course he isn't proposing that we remove anything to enable these new, improved(?), paradigms but that we just add more functionality.
The reason for this, and the reason he demonstrates a lack of understanding of real enterprise computing is his comment
"Java is what it is and you cannot now start taking things out of it. If you do so, you will break existing applications.". You see here is the issue, people like myself who are advocating removing stuff and creating a minimal core for Java (see this
presentation) isn't that we are saying "delete all the libraries from existence". What we
are saying is that in an enterprise computing environment where there are billions (tens of billions) of dollars spent on people, education, software and planning that we really can decide what we need and what we don't.
What I want is a minimal core and the ability to add only
those libraries and features that I want because
I know what I'm doing. Sure if someone wants the full bloat, or as the
consumer platform, it makes sense to have the full kitchen sink edition (Java KS?). In the former case because the person can't be arsed to work it out and in the later it gives an assured platform for execution.
This is the problem. People of this mindset seem to see the consumer platform as being the ultimate Java environment the one that really matters and the ones whose problems should always been addressed to the detriment of all others.
Quite frankly it was ridiculous in Java SE 6 the justifications that were trotted out to explain why having things like JAX-WS 2.0 in Java SE 6 and a lightweight webserver made sense. The systems I work on have teams of professionals on them who are better able to decide
for that problem whether they need a basic Java SE environment with a web service implementation or whether they are going to use an application server. Forcing these people to undertake hideous class loader workarounds just sums up how divorced from enterprise reality the Java SE 6 decisions were.
The problem is that like many vendor employees Chet doesn't have to cope with the myriad of issues that "everything in the box" creates for organisations. The "just don't use it" line doesn't work when you fall victim to
Meyfroidt's Law or to the issues of wanting to use something different to that which comes in the box and suffering the pain of ripping it out (no vendor worries about that). The reality of enterprise computing is that the minimal set of functionality that gets the job done is what you want and you want to restrict people to that as it makes support (where the cost is) easier.
Mark Baker wants to use REST then let him, if
Paul Fremantle wants to use Axis 2 or Synapse then so be it, if someone wants to use JAX WS 2.0 on Java SE 6 their funeral (if they want to upgrade to JAX WS 2.1 then that should be easier than using the older version), if
Dan Creswell wants to use Jini then so be it and if lots and lots of people want to use a J2EE application server then fair play to them. The point is that all these people (baring the Java SE 6 muppet) have made an informed choice about what works for them and that doesn't mean we want to see all the stuff that other people are using, if we did we'd download the stuff and use it. This is how professionals work, they make informed choices about what they want to do and then select the
right approach for the long term. This is good architecture and good engineering, picking the core of the solution, making it architecturally consistent and then enforcing that consistency. Hey its
Mythical Man Month territory again, yes Java SE is
that wrong.
For the consumer market Chet has a point, for the enterprise market he does not. One of these is worth several billion dollars, the other is not. Its about time that Java Enterprise users got the standard platform that they need rather than the one designed for Joe Sixpack.
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