Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The ultimate Mashup - something to do before you die

What is a mashup? Well there are lots of definitions out there but I think the one that references Music is best, where a Mashup is where you create something new by combining two or more existing things.

Yesterday I had what has to be the ultimate Mashup experience. How else to describe the food at the Fat Duck? The combination of Snail and Porridge can only be described as a fantabulous culinary mashup. The "Sound of the Sea" that combines an iPod with a litany of wonderful sea food and all around combinations that make you raise an eyebrow before hand and then be brought to tears by the sheer brilliance of the food.

I've eaten at some great restaurants before and had some amazing food. Without a doubt however the Fat Duck was in a complete league of its own as a culinary experience.

And isn't that what successful enterprise mashups should be about? Combining elements that haven't been brought together before to produce the sort of result that delivers customer satisfaction in a measurable and repeatable way.

Heston Blummental, mashup genius.

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1 comment:

Ron said...

Hi Steve,

Pretty expensive case of mashing up too at this Fat Duck, according to many almost the best restaurant in the world (El Bulli in Spain would have to rank number 1). The world of SOA is definitely delivering to you!